DBMM Tournaments
Bassano - 25th and 26th september 2010 - (3000BC - 500BC Pool)
Paris - 16th and 17th october 2010 - (Open pool)
Milan Fall 2010 - 14th and 15th november 2010 (500BC - 476AD pool)
Mamma li Turchi!!! - 9th january 2011- (DBMM 200 Historical Pool)
Justinian's wars - 20th february 2011 - (DBMM 200 Historical Pool)
Torino - 28th and 29th may 2011 - (Open Pool)
Recco - 25th and 26th june 2011 - (1071AD - 1515AD Pool)
Sarissa - 17th july 2011 (DBMM 200 Historical pool)
Bassano - 1st and 2nd october 2011 - (3000BC - 500BC Pool)
The Sword and the Cross - 23th october 2011 (DBMM200 Historical pool)
Milano - 12th and 13th november 2011 - (1071AD - 1515AD Pool)
Men of Iron - 11th december 2011 - (350AP Historical Pool)
Sarissa 2012 - 22th january 2012 (DBMM 200 Historical pool)
Italian Team Championship - 10th and 11th march 2012 (Four player teams with four period pools)
Torino 2012 - 14th and 15th April 2012 - (500BC - 476AD Pool)
Recco 2012 - 30th June and 1st july 2012 (476AD - 1071AD Pool)
Britcon 2012 - 10th, 11th and 12th August 2012 (Open Pool)
Ordalia 2012 - 18th and 19th August 2012 (1071AD - 1515AD Pool)
Bassano 2012 - 1st and 2nd September 2012 (1071AD - 1515AD Pool)
Milano 2012 - 17th and 18th November 2012 (500BC - 476AD Pool)
Apocalypto! - 16th december 2012 (DBMM100 Armies of America)
Italian Team Championship 2013 - 2nd and 3rd March 2013 (Four player teams with four period pools)
Cold Wars - 9th march 2013 - Open Pool
Torino 2013 - 13th and 14th april 2013 - (3000BC - 500BC Pool)
Padova 2013 - 18th-19th may 2013 - (restricted pool)
Gepanta 2013 - 8th and 9th june 2013 - (Open Pool)
Recco 2013 - 6th-7h July 2013 - (Third period Pool)
Elephanta Gepanta - 21th July 2013 (350AP one day Pool)
Bassano 2013 - 7th-8th September 2013 - (500BC - 476AD Pool)
Lords, Warriors and minions - 13th October 2013 - (350AP - Historical Pool)
Milano 2013 - 9th-10th november 2013 - (Open Pool)
Fall In open - 16th November 2013 - (Open Pool)
Apocalypto survivors - 24th november 2013 - (DBMM200 Armies of America)
Mamma li Turchi 2014 - 19th january 2014 - (Historical pool- Condottieri Trophy)
Hana wa Sakura gi Hito wa Bushi - 2nd February 2014 - (DBMM100 Later Samurai pool)
Italian Team Championship 2014 - 8th and 9th March 2014 (Four player teams with four period pools)
Defending the Limes 2014 - 30th march 2014 - (Historical pool- Condottieri Trophy)
Torino 2014 - 12th - 13th April 2014 - (1071AD - 1515AD Pool)
Masters of Asia 2014 - 11th May 2014 - (Historical pool- Condottieri Trophy)
Padova 2014 - 17th - 18th May 2014 - (476AD - 1071AD Pool)
The Sword and the Cross 2014 - 8th June 2014 - (Historical pool- Condottieri Trophy)
Sotto il segno di Anubi - 21th -22th June 2014 - (3000BC - 500BC Pool)
Bassano 2014 - 27th-28th September 2014 - (3000BC - 500BC Pool)
Sarissa 2014 - 6th October 2014 - (Historical pool- Condottieri Trophy)
Milano 2014- 8th and 9th november 2014 (476AD - 1071AD Pool)
Apocalypto!!! 2014 - 23th november 2014 - (Historical pool- Condottieri Trophy)
The Baltic Crusades - 18th January 2015 (Historical pool - Condottieri Trophy)
Hana wa Sakura gi Hito wa Bushi 2015 - 15th February 2015 (DBMM300 Later Samurai Pool - Condottieri Trophy)
Italian Team Champioship 2015 - 8th and 9th March 2015 (Four player teams with four period pools)
Norman Scourge 2015 - 29th March 2014 (Historical Pool - Condottieri Trophy)
Torino 2015 - 11th and 12th April 2015 (476AD - 1071AD Pool) Results: www.tagmata.it/torino_2015_results.htm
Mamma Li Turchi 2015 - 26th April 2015 (Historical Pool - Condottieri Trophy)
Padova 2015 The Last Stand - 16th and 17th May 2015 (1071AD - 1515AD Pool)
More DBMM reports can be read here: