Sparta has always charmed me. When thinking to a Spear heavy army, there is nothing better to field than a Spartan army. Last but not least, Xyston produces an excellent Spartan range. The net result was that I "needed" this army.
Psiloi archer and javelinmen. These are the cheapest elements, but are extremely useful due the rigid hoplite formation
Mercenary RPsS are excellent troops. I usually try to field them all.
The bulk of the army, the hoplites. In game terms SpS supported by SpO
The generals. I always feel the urge to put them in first line. Often this is an unwise decision, but if I would like to play wise I would use Numidians.
Spartans must be played very aggressively
More Hoplites. In DBMM this army is very powerful frontally, but quite brittle if Homoioi are lost. Spartan often enjoy a large front and this is an advantage if they can push and engage weaker enemy troops.
Army painted by A.D.