IV / 4 Feudal French


C1- CiC IKnS, 6 IKnS, 4 ICvO, 10IPsO, 2 IAxI, 4 IHdO - 30 ME

C2- SG IKnS, 18 IBdI, 4 IPsO - 26ME

C3- SG IKnS, 6 IKnS, 6 RBwO, 6 IPsO, 6 IHdO - 30 ME

C4- 6 IBgI - 6ME

C2 goes in the center, and can fight 2 or 3 deep as the tactical situation require. The KnS corps are supported by RBwO and ICvO to cover the outer flanks


C1- CiC IKnS, 6 IKnS, 6 IPsO, 3 ICvO, 6 IBdI - 30ME

C2- SG IKnS, 6 IKnS, 2 IPsO, 10 IHdO - 24ME

C3- AG IKnS, 6 IKnO, 4 IPsO, 8 IAxI, 2 IBdI, 2 IBgI - 26ME

C4- 4 IBgO, 6 camp TF - 4ME

Stratagems (20AP): Delayed start, Ambush

This is S.Louis Crusade. The army can rely on terrain to use ambushes and deny part of the table to flank march. The army win or lose with its Kn charge.