III / 71 Georgian


C1- CiC IKnF, 7 IKnF, 8 ILhS, 2 ILhF - 30ME

C2- SG IKnF, 12 IBwO, 6 IPsS, 6 ISpI - 24ME

C3- SG IKnF, 5 IKnF, 2 ILhF - 18ME

C4- SG ICvO, 12 ILhF - 18ME

C5- 8 IBgF - 8ME

Stratagem (5AP): Concealed command

The main difficult with this army is coordinate the shooting corps with the mounted commands. C3 can be deployed behind 2, or marched, concealed, delayed. C4 should avoid any fight if not in favourable position, attacking some exposed enemy side. Attacking echeloned works quite well if there is an open flank


B) Fourth period army

C1- CiC ICvO, 4 IKnO, 10 ICvO - 24ME

C2- SG ICvO, 10 IBwO, 6 ISpI - 18ME

C3- SG ICvO, 14 ILhS, 4 ILhF - 24ME

C4- SG ICvO, 8 ILhF - 12ME

C5- 5 IBgO - 5ME

Stratagems: Feigned Flight, Delayed start