xIII / 58 Daylami


C1- CiC RCvS, 10 RCvS, 1 IElO, 2ILhO - 30ME

C2- SGRAxS, 11 RAxS, 6 RPsO, 4 ICvO - 24ME

C3- SGRAxS, 11 RAxS, 6 RPsO, 4 ILhO - 24ME

C4 6RBgF - 6ME

Stratagem: 5AP (Scouts)

This army must be used with corps 2 and 3 deployed side to side, and C1 on the wing were attack should be executed, or deployed behind C 2 and 3, ready to manouver on a flank.


B) Roger Grenwood's army list, used at Britcon 2012

C1- CiC RCvS, 16 RCvS, 1 IElO, 4 ILhO, 4 RAxS - 48ME

C2- SG RAxS, 10 RAxS, 8 RPsO - 20ME

C3- SG RAxS, 10 RAxS, 8 RPsO - 20ME

C4- 6 IBgF

Stratagem: Scouting


C) John Fletcher's army list, used at Britcon 2012

C1- CiC RCvS, 7 RCvS, 1 IElO, 3 ILhO - 25ME

C2- SG IAxS, 8 RAxS, 4 RPsO, 6 RCvS - 28ME

C3- SG IAxS, 12 RAxS, 6 RPsO - 21ME

C4- Bedouin AG ILhO, 8 ILhO - 12ME

C5- 6 IBgF - 6ME

Stratagems: Feigned Flight


D) Irregular version

C1- CiC IAxS, 8 RCvS, 1 IElO, 2 IPsO, 6 ILhO - 30ME

C2 and C3 - SG IAxS, 16 IAxS, 8 IPsO, 4 RCvO - 30ME

C4- 5 IBgF - 5ME