II / 80 Huns

Western Huns all skirmisher version

1) Army list used by me in Milan 11/2010 tournament, first place

C1- CiC ILhS, 18 ILhS - 24ME

C2- SG ILhS, 18 ILhS - 24ME

C3- SG ILhS, 18 ILhS - 24ME

C4- 6 IBgF - 6ME

Stratagems (15AP)- Feigned flight, Betrayal

The army is quite easy to use. Be aggressive, outflank, harass, attack weak troops, exploit any gap. Use feigned flight to disrupt enemy formations. Betrayal is a fast way to enter a fortified area as a baggage camp.


2) Army list used by Alessandro Miguez, 26th place in Milano 11/2010

C1- Brilliant CiC ILhS, 4 IKnF, 10 ILhS - 24ME

C2- SG ILhS, 18 ILhS - 24ME

C3- SG ILhS, 16 ILhS, 22ME

C4- 6 IBgF, 6ME

Stratagems (10AP): Feigned Flight, Flank Attack


3) Hephtalite

C1- CiC ICvO, 6 ICvI, 9 ILhS, 6 IHdO - 24ME

C2- SG ILhS, 3 IElS, 6 IHdO, 9 ILhS - 24ME

C3- SG ILhS, 3 IElS, 6 IHdO, 9 ILhS - 24ME

C4 - 6 IBgO - 6ME

Stratagems (10AP): Ambush


4) Western Hunnic

C1- CiC ILhS, 18 ILhS - 24ME

C2- SG ILhS, 18 ILhS - 24ME

C3- SG ILhS, 9 ILhS - 15ME

C4- Sciri AG IKnF. 4 IKnF - 12ME

C5- 6 IBgF - 6ME

Stratagems (20AP): Feigned Flight, Delayed start