II / 58 Alan

Four corps Alan army with maxed heavy noble cavalry


C1- CiC ILhS, 6 IKnF, 6 ILhS - 24ME

C2- SG ILhS, 6 IKnF, 6 ILhS - 24ME

C3- SG ILhS, 6 IKnF, 6 ILhS - 24ME

C4 - SG ILhS, 5ILhS, 4 IPsO - 13 ME

C5- 8 IBgI- 8ME

Stratagems: Ambush, Feigned Flight

The army has a lot of shock power thanks to the many KnF used. The terrain selected should be more open as possible, with many GH to set ambushes. Feigned Flight should be prepared with care, to avoid that a withdrawing corps expose the flank of another friendly corps. I suggest to use it with a vanguard, or with a corps that fight alone on a flank, far away from the others.


B) Paolo Vigaṇ version, 22th place in Milano 11/2010

C1- CiC ILhS, 6 IKnF, 3 ILhS, 6 IPsO - 24ME

C2- SG ILhS, 4 IKnF, 8 ILhS, 4 IPsO - 24ME

C3- SG ILhS, 6 IKnF, 6 ILhS - 24ME

C4 - SG ILhS, 6ILhS - 11 ME

C5- 7 IBgF- 7ME

Stratagems: Ambush, Feigned Flight