II / 11 Gallic
C1- CiC ILChCvO, 12 ICvO, 2 ICvI, 6 IPsO, 2 IPsI - 24ME
C2- SG IWbO, 24 IWbO - 18ME
C3- SG ILChCvO, 4 ILChCvO, 18 IWbO, 4 IPsI, 3 ICvI - 24ME
C4- Allied Ligurian general IAxS, 11 IAxS, 2 IPsI, 2 IBgI - 18ME
C5- 6 IBgI - 6ME
Stratagems (15AP): Ambush, Concealed Command
Low aggressivity should help with terrains and to hid some troops. Attacker deployment would be a bit more tricky.
C3 has some troops to cover a flank, but still would help support from C1 or C4 if heavily engaged. C2 should go in the center.
Use ambushes and CC to let the opponent react and give you the initiative. Make pressure all over the enemy front to attack his pip structure.
B) Gael Richards version, 14th place in Milan 11/2010
C1- CiC ILChO, 15 ICvI - 21M"
C2- SG IWbO, 20 IWbO, 6 IPsO, 7 ILChO - 26ME
C2- SG IWbO, 20 IWbO, 6 IPsI, 7 ILChO - 26ME
C4- Ligurian Ally general IAxS, 11 IAxS, 2 IPsI - 16ME