Cham game 2 - Milano 2013 Open

The second game I faced a clubmate using Khazars, with the Royal army version


I attacked again and the table was bare open with some good defensive position for the Khazar. The weather was foggy, so I deployed second moving first. The irregular pip dice and the 80 paces visibility were very good for me, hampering a lot the enemy ILhS. I decided to put my army in line and charge at maximum speed. The first pip activation was 2,2,3. So both allies reliable, but fog lifted, leaving me with the right flank completely unprotected to ILhS manouvers. I was in danger. The picture was taken after my first movement bound


Khazar instead to retreat to gain time and take advantage of Cham open flank, attacked along both the flanks, just keeping back the IknF.


The Khazar attack was wild, with no feigned flight or outflanking. Cham auxilia fought well.


From the very beginning losses were high. On the left the only real reserve I had was the CiC on elephant, and he was able to seal a gap killing an enemy element.


The right Khazar corps was collapsing and with my Elephants in combat I was confident. Well, My CinC was slain by the enemy commander.


On the right wing the cham auxilia fough heroically, resisting a lot of enemy attacks. The psiloi on the end of the line three times in a row repulsed the enemy protecting the formation flank.


The Khazars finally lost the right command general, that broke


ME loss transmission broke the Khazar army, for a final 22-3 score for the Cham.

I was not glad of my game, I played quite badly and in several situations was saved by hot dices.

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